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Volunteer Opportunities
We're always in need of volunteers and we have many different volunteer opportunities. If you think you can be helpful in any of these capacities, please contact as at
Volunteer Opportunities
Social Media - helping to maintain our Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram presences​
Photography - chronicling events through photographs
Graphic Design - creating graphics and logos to make our social media, websites, and more look professional and attractive
Website Maintenance - keeping our website up-to-date and in good repair
Childcare - watching kids during meetings
Volunteer Organizing - reaching out to potential volunteers for various campaign and party work
Event Planning - helping to put together events like our Summer Picnic or Fall Banquet, or smaller events in between
Fundraising - raising money is a huge part of what helps us do what we do
And More... - is there any way that you feel you could be of assistance that isn't listed here? Let us know!
Volunteers Make A Difference - A Word from the Blair County Chair
No matter how small you think your assistance may be, we appreciate all of it. I started at the Blair Dems as a person who saw something to do, and I did it. I looked at our online presence and I said, I have the time, energy, and ability to make this better. Our former Chair allowed me the opportunity to do something great, and I'd like to think that has paid off for us as a Party. It would be my pleasure to pay it forward and help someone else's talents shine. Helping people get involved in our political system is one of my favorite parts of my job, so I look forward to helping you grow our Blair County Democratic Committee.
- Gillian Kratzer, Blair County Democratic Committee Chair
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